Disease measurement

High multidrug-resistant (MDR-TB) burden countries

20 countries with the highest estimated number of incident MDR-TB cases, plus the 10 countries with the highest estimated MDR-TB incidence that are not in the top 20 by absolute number (threshold: >1000 estimated incident MDR-TB cases per year).

High tuberculosis transmission setting

Setting with a high frequency of people with undetected or undiagnosed tuberculosis, or where people with infectious tuberculosis are present and there is a high risk of tuberculosis transmission.

High tuberculosis burden countries

20 countries with the highest absolute number of estimated incident cases, plus the 10 countries with the most severe burden in terms of incidence rates per capita.

Tuberculosis incidence rate

Number of estimated new and relapse (due to reinfection) cases of a disease in a defined population during a specified period of time. Tuberculosis incidence is usually reported as cases per 100 000 population per year. The size of the population is usually the estimated mid-year population .

Tuberculosis mortality rate

Estimated number of deaths attributable to tuberculosis in a given time period in a defined population, usually expressed per 100 000 population per year. The size of the population is usually the estimated mid-year population.

Tuberculosis prevalence (cases per 100 000 population)

Proportion of  individuals with tuberculosis in a population at a given point in time, expressed per 100 000 population. In the context of prevalence surveys, it refers to the proportion of bacteriologically-positive pulmonary tuberculosis among general population aged 15 years and older at a particular time.

Tuberculosis attributable mortality

Number of deaths caused by tuberculosis in HIV-negative people, according to the latest revision of the international classification of diseases (ICD-10). Tuberculosis deaths among HIV-positive people are classified as HIV deaths in ICD-10.


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